Sunday, April 19, 2009

More on homemade pasta

Well, what d'ya know! Someone else is talking about homemade pasta. I just came across this post at Simple, Green, Frugal Co-op. I don't have a pasta machine so I usually cut my noodles in long strips with a pizza cutter. I'm planning to make lasagna sometime this week with homemade noodles. That'll be a first.

Really, making noodles is so very easy. I don't know why I didn't do it before now. Especially since YEARS ago the wife of one of Coty's economics collegues told me that she always made her noodles and that it was easy as could be and the noodles very delicious and nothing like store-bought. But back then I had lots of little people - you know, toddlers and babies - around all the time and I guess the thought of making homemade noodles was overwhelming. But now, it's very relaxing and we do love them. Frances B., you were right. I'm a late comer to the noodle party, but I'm here to stay.

I can't wait to try freezing them as the post above suggests. It would be so easy to double or triple the recipe and freeze a portion. Love that idea.

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