Monday, June 21, 2010

Blackberry time

We have a power cut up the road - a big ugly swath with high tension power lines.  It's an eyesore, to be sure.  The red clay hillside along the cut is eroding away. Every time it rains, rivers of red ochre mud course down the street.

But this landscape does have a redeeming feature...

Masses of blackberry brambles all over the hill.

Queen Ann's lace, too.

The flowers decorated the table at a bridal shower.  I made the blackberry tart for Father's Day, sort of using this recipe.  Pretty delicious!


tonia said...

goodness, climates are sure different on either side of the continent. :) we have blackberries too, but those are an august treat. we are just starting to see the flowers now. they look lovely, though and i know they taste wonderful! (it's a good thing since they grow EVERYWHERE here and they are so invasive!)

Islandsparrow said...

We have a few blackberry bushes growing wild around here but just like Tonia's area they don't come til August. Right now we're enjoying strawberries - oh my!! So sweet and succulent! Next raspberries and then blueberries. I love summer food. :)