Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I love...

a good summer meal like last night's....Sorry, no food glamour shots.

From the Harrisburg farmer's market - okra cooked in coconut milk and curry paste, fresh corn on the cob, and the sweetest watermelon of the season.

From the garden - fried green tomatoes. Yes! Love 'em. Not particularly healthy, I know. But so good, dipped in a little corn meal and fried in olive oil with just a little salt.

From the freezer - collard greens.

And leftover from lunch - brown rice.

1 comment:

Islandsparrow said...

I am going to try fried green tomatoes this year. I make a green tomato relish but have never tried frying them as a side dish. Never had okra either. Right now we are enjoying fresh potatoes, carrots, beets, sugar snap peas from the garden and some wild blueberries that we discovered in our back field. Strawberries are done - but the raspberries are just about ready. I love summer produce!