Sunday, February 8, 2009

Soccer food

Homemade noodles with sauce made as described by Lynne Rosetto Kasper in this recipe.

Here's the noodle recipe from recipezaar. Very easy. I rolled the dough out before church and left it to dry a bit. When I got home, I cut the noodles into long strips with a pizza cutter.

And here's the sauce. First, I sauteed two large onions. When they caramelized, I added four chopped Roma tomatoes, a TBSP each of basil and garlic oil, some dried basil, and two large handfuls of fresh spinach. I did what Lynne suggested and added some of the pasta water to make sauce out of the saute. This simmered for a little while the noodles finished cooking.

Then I drained and poured the noodlesinto a big pasta bowl. I tossed it all with the sauce and a bit of parmesan. Oh boy, it was good! And very easy.

We'll be eating variations of this dish often. I didn't use the beans as in Lynne's recipe but will try that sometime before long.

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